Pre-Order Note: These Pre-Orders will stay open.
Expected Arrival At Warehouse: Q1 2025
Estimate RRP: R1099.99
A pre-order deposit of 50% of the estimated retail price will be asked at check out to book your pre-order, with the balance being invoiced manually once final pricing comes in when it arrives in stock.
The estimated retail price is equivalent to the MSRP of the pre-order product. Pre-order shipping fee will also be applied at checkout. Balance to be paid before items are shipped to customers. Total deposit will be applied to balance invoice (Including the shipping amount), and shipping will then be allocated again.
Estimated waiting time for pre-orders to come into stock is normally between 6 to 12 weeks after pre-orders close*.
*Our suppliers use pre-orders to gauge interest in certain product lines, but as they have their own ordering schedules to make shipping as cost effective as possible, this will sometimes lead to products only being procured from the wholesale distributors months after pre-orders close when they have enough to ship in bulk. This can lead to longer wait times on some pre-orders.
Era of the Beast offers players and GMs a chance to follow the ongoing narrative of the Age of Sigmar universe, and brings the timeline forward to the Era of the Beast and the emergence of Kragnos, the End of Empires. This book recounts the events of the Broken Realms saga and updates the lore of major cities and the status of the gods of the realms. Era of the Beast details the lands of Thondia, allowing players to adventure in Ghur, the Realm of Beasts and includes new Archetypes to add to your Soulbound game. Lastly, from the swamps of the realms come the terrifying Kruleboyz — twisted, swamp dwelling Orruks who slink from the mire to cut their enemy’s throats!