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ARRAKIS IS YOURS Your House is to become the new governor of Arrakis in an alternate “What if?” scenario, where you must ensure the supply of the vital spice melange to the Known Universe. With the eyes of the entire Imperium watching your every move, can you retain control of Arrakis? Or will this appointment spell the destruction of your House? The Agents of Dune Deluxe Starter Set offers a complete introduction to the world of Dune and the Dune: Adventures in the Imperium roleplaying game. The box contains everything you need to start playing, with no preparation required. Even if you are new to Dune or roleplaying games, this set guides you through an epic story where your characters are the heroes. The Agents of Dune box set contains: A complete 116-page adventure with step by step guidance as you play!! 5 character folios for the members of House Nagara. Two 50-card decks detailing NPCs, Assets, and Traits for use during play. A complete spice harvesting system to keep track of your successes or failures in running Arrakis. 3 Handouts and 4 zone maps that bring the experience of Arrakis to your gaming table. 54 tokens and 2 Trackers for Momentum, Threat, Determination. Five custom D20s featuring the symbol of the great sandworms of Arrakis. Also included in the box is a code to receive a free digital copy of the Dune: Adventures in the Imperium Core Rulebook to expand your campaign even further after play.