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A pre-order deposit of 50% of the estimated retail price will be asked at check out to book your pre-order, with the balance being invoiced manually once final pricing comes in when it arrives in stock.
The estimated retail price is equivalent to the MSRP of the pre-order product. Pre-order shipping fee will also be applied at checkout. Balance to be paid before items are shipped to customers. Total deposit will be applied to balance invoice (Including the shipping amount), and shipping will then be allocated again.
Estimated waiting time for pre-orders to come into stock is normally between 6 to 12 weeks after pre-orders close*.
*Our suppliers use pre-orders to gauge interest in certain product lines, but as they have their own ordering schedules to make shipping as cost effective as possible, this will sometimes lead to products only being procured from the wholesale distributors months after pre-orders close when they have enough to ship in bulk. This can lead to longer wait times on some pre-orders.
Step into a world of wonder and natural splendor with HUTAN, an immersive family game inspired by the Indonesian word for rainforest.
In HUTAN, all players have their own rainforest patch where they will plant sprouts and flowers that over time grow into towering trees. When a habitat is created, an iconic forest animal arrives – the orangutan, the sumatran tiger, the rhinoceros hornbill, the cassowary or the sumatran rhino.
HUTAN plays over 9 rounds – and all players will have two turns each round. On your turn you take a flower card from the shared market pool and place the flowers into your rainforest. If you place a flower on top of a matching flower, you grow a tree. When an area is completed with trees, the last tree is replaced by an animal.
At the end of the game, the player who grew the best rainforest and attracted the most animals will score the most points and win.